Stormwater Sleuthing - Episode 3 - El Camino Park, Palo Alto

El Niño brought us a gift this winter, some much needed rain! The most recent storm allowed us to finally bring you another in our Stormwater Sleuthing series. This episode features a real-life demonstration of the performance of pervious concrete at our recently completed project at El Camino Park in Palo Alto. The best part is this project allowed us to also show you a direct comparison in the performance against traditional asphalt and concrete. 

Click to see David Liguori once again hitting the streets during a storm to show you the power of pervious! This episodes features a real-life demonstration of pervious concrete at El Camino Park in Palo Alto, CA, as well as a comparison in performance against traditional asphalt and concrete.

What do you think? What would you rather walk on in a rain storm? Are you sick of puddles and standing water, contact us and we can help you get rid of them.