Beyond the Basics: Pervious Concrete Design, Detailing and Construction Workshop

Interested to learn how pervious concrete pavement systems are considerably more effective, and versatile, than other stormwater management BMPs? Or how pervious concrete can simplify your stormwater management designs and reduce project costs? Join the APWA Monterey Bay Chapter and Bay Area Pervious Concrete on June 7th in Seaside, CA for a FREE three hour technical workshop that will provide you with the knowledge and tools to simplify your stormwater designs, using cost effective and low maintenance pervious concrete stormwater systems. 

This intensive will cover many of the questions, or concerns, you may have about using pervious concrete on your projects. Using case studies and real-world scenarios we will explore how system design and site design effect cost, long term performance and maintenance. We will also cover specification writing to assist you in making sure the pervious concrete is installed correctly to maximize performance.